
My 12 Learnings From Building A Profitable Side Hustle

TL;DR: You might be working a full-time job that has you on call 24/7 and can make your work days long, stressful, and tough. But with the right knowledge, it’s possible to build a profitable side hustle with* that can supplement your income, give you more time and add more joy to YOUR life!

My Side Hustle Struggles

I’m no stranger to side hustles. I’ve had lots of them over the years, and each one has come with its own unique set of struggles.

For my first side hustle, I was a freelancer (web developer) for my old company while I was working for my new company. So, in Germany, this is called a “450 € job”. The nice thing is, that these 450 € per month were tax-free and you can legally do this in addition to your main job. I was working 20 hours a month additionally. The problem was, it was not flexible enough. On the one hand, it was remote and I could do it from home, but when I was on holiday or I had too many other hours in my main job, the hours were adding up.

In the end, my old company wanted to save some money and ended this contract after 1 year. At first, I was sad, but then I was relieved because I learned in this phase to be more efficient at both jobs and I could more focus on my private projects. I had to balance my work life, my personal life, and my side hustle. It was a lot of juggling, but I eventually figured it out. Also, I learned that this contract was not scalable at all. I just swapped the working hours for money, which was limited every month to 450 €.

My second side hustle is building a SaaS business. This is even more work than the first, but it was also more rewarding. In 2021, I had the idea to build a Reddit and Google tracker for stocks and cryptos. You can check it out at

It is still in the building-up phase and not monetized yet. I want to offer first a good service for my users before monetizing it. In this project, I am learning a lot about software development and modularization. But, the most important part I learned so far, is the marketing part. It does not matter how good or relevant your product is, if you can not find the market or target group, it is nothing worth it.

I have to learn how to market myself, find clients, and manage my time. It is a lot of work, but I love it.

Now, I’m onto my third side hustle: blogging. And once again, I’m facing new challenges. But that’s what makes side hustling so exciting — you never know what you’re going to learn or who you’re going to meet next.

Why I Wanted to Start a Side Hustle

I’ve always been a go-getter and have always had a side hustle (or two) going on. For me, it’s important to have more than one stream of income and to be constantly learning and growing. My main hustle is my day job, but my side hustles are what keep me excited and motivated.

Starting a side hustle can be a great way to make some extra money, but it’s also a lot of work. I knew that if I was going to start a side hustle, it needed to be something I was passionate about. Something that would excite me and keep me motivated even when the going got tough.

After some soul-searching, I decided that starting a blog and affiliate business was the right move for me. I discovered*. It offers an amazing service for 0 money.

I love the idea of being my boss, setting my hours, and having the potential to make unlimited income. Plus, I had previous experience running an online business (albeit a small one), so I knew the ropes somewhat.

My 12 Learnings From Building A Profitable Side Hustle

When I started my side hustle, I had no idea what I was doing. I just knew that I wanted to make some extra money. Thankfully, through a lot of trial and error, I was able to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Here are 12 things that I’ve learned from building a profitable side hustle:

1. It’s important to have a clear vision for your business. What are your goals? What are your values? What are you trying to achieve? Without a clear vision, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lost in the shuffle.

2. It takes time to build a successful business. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is a profitable side hustle. Be patient and keep at it.

3. You need to be willing to put in the work. Building a successful side hustle requires dedication, hard work, and determination. If you’re not willing to put in the effort, you’ll never see results. I work after work some hours and on the weekends, so it is a lot.

4. Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is part of the process and it’s how we learn and grow. Embrace it and use it as motivation to keep going.

5. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it. There’s no shame in admitting that you need assistance or guidance. Asking for help shows that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.

6. You need to be organized and efficient. When you’re running your own business, there’s no room for slacking off. You need to be organized and efficient with your time and resources.

7. It’s important to market and promotes your business. If you want people to know about your side hustle, you need to put in the effort to market and promote it. There are a lot of ways to do this, so get creative and get the word out there.

8. You need to be flexible. Things change and you need to be able to adapt. Whether it’s changes in the market or your personal life, being flexible will help you navigate through any obstacle.

9. You need to believe in yourself. Building a successful side hustle requires confidence and belief in yourself and your abilities. If you don’t believe in yourself, who will?

10. Medium* is a good starting point for a blog and building an audience.

11. The best affiliate system so far is system It has the most comprehensive system and a low barrier to entry. You can start for free your own blog with newsletter marketing, click funnel, and so on. Check it out*.

12. Have fun! Building a side hustle can be a lot of work, but it should also be enjoyable. Find ways to have fun with it and enjoy the process.


I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to build a profitable side hustle. I’ve learned so much from the experience, and I’m excited to share my top 12 learnings with you. I hope that these tips will help you as you start or grow your own business. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I wish you all the best in your entrepreneurial journey!

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Hi, I am Antonio Blago

Affiliate Earnings Founder Antonio has a passion for affiliate marketing and a bone to pick with marketers who don't use them.

Antonio is on a mission to help New Affiliate Marketers combine his strategies and research to create high-converting funnels, make money, and reach financial freedom.


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