
How Many Blog Posts Do I Need To Make The Page Go Viral?

The ultimate answer to the question we all want to know. Viral blogging is a game-changer as a passive income source. The funny thing is, this is a question that can't be answered.

Page traffic is hardly predictable. The only way you'll know is by trying it out for yourself. This article will give you some tips on how to keep track of your blog posts so that should something catch on, you'll have a record of where it may have first been published.

How To Make Blog Posts Go Viral

It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to write a blog post. But it takes even more effort to make a blog post go viral.

There’s no one silver bullet for making your content go viral, but there are certain strategies you can employ to increase your chances of success. Here are some tips for making your blog posts go viral:

1. Write headlines that pack a punch

Your headline is the first thing people will see when they come across your blog post. You need to make sure it’s attention-grabbing and inspires people to click through and read more. Master your copywriting skills, read here.

2. Create shareable content

If you want people to share your content, you need to give them something worth sharing. Write compelling copy that packs an emotional punch and provides valuable information or insights. Read here about AI can help you with writing.

3. Use social media wisely

Social media is a powerful tool for making your content go viral. Use platforms like Twitter and Facebook to promote your blog post and get it in front of as many people as possible. Read here how you win high affiliate leads on Facebook.

4. Reach out to influencers

If you can get influencers in your industry to share your content, you’ll reach a whole new audience. Identify relevant influencers and reach out to them directly.

5. Make it easy to share

Make it easy for people to share your content by adding social sharing buttons to your blog post. This will make it more likely that people will take the time to share your content with their followers.

How many blog posts should I make?

It's a common question asked by newbie bloggers: how many blog posts should I make?

The answer, unfortunately, is not as straightforward as we would like it to be. There is no magic number of blog posts that will guarantee your page goes viral. However, there are some general guidelines you can follow to increase your chances of going viral. You should consider writing at least 30 to 50 blog posts to get started.

It's important to have high-quality content. This means your articles should be well-written, informative, and engaging. If you're constantly churning out low-quality content, it's unlikely that any of your articles will go viral. Readers should be amazed by the content you write and your blog articles should be updated every month.

Second, you need to be active on social media. Share your articles on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites. The more people who see your articles, the greater the chance that one of them will go viral.

Finally, don't give up if your first few articles don't take off. It takes time and patience to build an audience for your blog.

Keep writing quality content and promoting it on social media, and eventually, you'll reach the point where one of your articles goes viral.

What are the best types of blog posts to make?

The answer to this question depends on what your goal is for your blog post. If you want to make a post that will go viral, then you need to consider what type of content is most likely to be shared by users on social media.

Make some research on which topics are trending right now. Like on Google Trends, Social Media, or Google Search Bar.

Some of the best types of blog posts to make if you want them to go viral are those that are:

  • informative
  • interesting
  • entertaining
  • easy to read
  • easy to understand

Another important factor to consider when trying to make a blog post go viral is the headline. The headline should be attention-grabbing and should make people want to click on the article.

In general, the best way to increase the chances of your blog post going viral is to create high-quality content that people will want to share with their friends and followers.

How do I get more views?

If you want to get more views on your blog, there are a few things you can do. Before, you need to understand the basics of search engine optimization (SEO). SEO is fundamental for generating traffic to your blog.

First of all, you need to make sure that your website is optimized for the relevant keywords. This includes the use of the right keywords and also other on-page factors such as the title, the meta description, and the URL.

The loading time of your page and the structure also play a role in optimizing it for search engines.

Furthermore, it is important to get backlinks from other websites. However, these should be of high quality so that they are taken into account by search engines. Guest posts on other websites or blogs are a good way to do this. Social media can also help to make your website more popular and thus generate more traffic.

Finally, it is important to update your website regularly by adding new content and adjusting existing content. Search engines prefer websites that are always up to date.

Linking blog posts together

Linking blog posts together is a great way to increase the reach of your content and get more people engaging with your site. By linking to related blog posts, you can keep readers on your site longer and encourage them to explore more of your content.

When linking blog posts together, be sure to use relevant keywords and phrases so that readers can easily find the information they're looking for. You can also use internal links to direct readers to specific sections of your site.

Here are a few tips for linking blog posts together:

1. Use keyword-rich anchor text.

2. Link to related posts within your own site.

3. Find other blogs in your niche and link to their content.

4. Use social media to promote your content and encourage others to link to it.


There is never a surefire answer when it comes to how many blog posts you'll need before your page goes viral. However, by following the tips in this article, you can give yourself the best chance for success.

Write quality content that appeals to your target audience, share your blog posts on social media, and be patient! With time and effort, you'll eventually see your page take off.

Step Description
1. Research the best kinds of video formats Find out what types of videos are popular and engaging in your niche and audience.
2. Keep on top of trends Create content that is relevant, timely, and interesting to your audience. Use tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, or Twitter Trends to find out what people are searching for and talking about.
3. Focus on a specific niche and use keywords Reach a more targeted audience and rank higher on search engines by focusing on a specific topic and using keywords in your captions, hashtags, and descriptions.
4. Get help from established influencers Increase your exposure and credibility by getting influencers to share your content with their followers. You can also collaborate with other creators in your niche or join online communities where you can promote your content.
5. Create relatable content Resonate with your audience and encourage them to share your content with others by using humor, emotion, storytelling, or controversy.

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Hi, I am Antonio Blago

Affiliate Earnings Founder Antonio has a passion for affiliate marketing and a bone to pick with marketers who don't use them.

Antonio is on a mission to help New Affiliate Marketers combine his strategies and research to create high-converting funnels, make money, and reach financial freedom.


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